Monday, November 24, 2008

1st Day - What a Charge

First, I have to say how powerfully Ginny spoke this morning. Absolutely awesome!! I really got motivated. I know that I will excell with this leadership.
After the call, I went to my backoffice to retrieve the invitation - including the back side - and downloaded it. Found out that in order to use the typewriter feature, I had to rotate the page. Well, that took a while. I finally got it done right, and started printing them. Matter of fact, I left them printing and it was time to deliver the newspaper!. In spite of the nasty weather (about 2 inches of snow), I met a number of people and started talking to them about My Power Mall. Unfortunately, I did not have any invitations, nor business cards, with me - I could have kicked myself. Well, I know that tomorrow I will make up for it. THIS IS NOT A PROCRASTINATION! I did not meet anyone since after delivering the papers, I went nowhere. Stayed home and got my so-called home office set up a little better. It is my bedroom which I share with about 35 birds (I raise parakeets, cockatiels, and lovebirds as a sideline). Good thing my cell phone has a mute button!
As I am typing this, I am listening to Ginny's evening call. Reenforcement!! But the numbers in the Power of Five still scare me....
I did make some phone calls to leads I got from my upline. Scheduled four callbacks, so I am keeping busy.
I am all fired up, I smelled blood (people I can help change their lives!) Need to order some things from my mall! I will listen in again tomorrow morning.

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